Weight was never an issue with me. I had five children and always was down to my pre-pregnancy weight without even trying within six weeks after the birth of each child. I guess in my twenties and thirties I was way too busy chasing toddlers, and carrying babies around in my arms to gain any weight. I cooked heathy meals. I grew much of our food, and I canned what I grew. I made homemade wheat bread. I was very conscious about feeding my family the required servings of fruit and vegetables every day. We could not afford junk food. We did not drink pop. I never even gave weight gain a second thought.
When I went through a divorce in my late 30's, I was so upset by the divorce that I lost 14 pounds in 14 days. I didn't have 14 pounds to lose at the time. I simply was too upset to eat. In the beginning couple of years of being a single mom, I was extremely thin. I finally put on enough weight that I looked heathy, but thin, when I attended my 20th class reunion. (I am the brunette on the left in this photo.)
For the next ten years or so, I never worried about weight. I walked a great deal. I went dancing. I hiked occasionally. I worked a full-time job, went to school full-time, and I was a single mom. Who had time to worry about weight?

In my late 40's I married my wonderful husband. All of a sudden a few things happened. I developed thyroid problems, I started menopause, I married Mr. Candy/Cookie King, and we began to eat out a lot. I immediately gained 30 pounds.
About seven years ago, I joined Weight Watchers. I successfully lost the 30 pounds and reached my goal weight. Slowly the weight crept back on. Even a few years ago, my weight was reasonable. I wanted to get back to my WW goal, but I was not concerned about my health...yet.
Now, I am concerned. The doctors say I really must lose the weight. They are right. I don't like not feeling good. I don't want diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and all those other things that I am racing towards. I want to be healthy more than I want to fit into those size 8 pants. Ok, I really want to wear size 8 pants too!
DJan, a blogger friend, is writing about her goals to work on making a slight weight adjustment. She's inspired me. Now, I have made my decision public. I hate that I have done this! I will join the fight. I will go back to Weight Watchers. I know this works for me. I will do it again. Hold me accountable, please!