I've been back to retirement mode for about two weeks now. Retirement has a way of luring one into thinking that there is always tomorrow that can be used for all the things that don't get done today. With that being said, perhaps you will understand why I am just now posting some of the final activities that I had with my students from the international program at our local University.The semester literally seemed to fly by. Here are some highlights for our time together since Spring Break:
- We said good-bye to my dear friend Dixie who substituted for the regular instructor for Level Two students with a party and a presentation of the life maps we made in class.
Colorful Life Maps
Dixie surrounded by her students |
- We never pass up an opportunity for a photo op
Some of the girls |
A couple of the guys |
- I gave an end of the semester brunch at my house
Our faithful volunteer tutors
Walter and Alda
We are so grateful for this couple who graciously have given so much time to the program for years. We really appreciate them, their help, and their great personalities.
A fine young man |
Part of the joy of working in the program is getting to know youth from many countries. I keenly feel a great responsibility toward these students whose parents give them the opportunity to study in another country when they are so young. This student proved himself to be worthy of that trust by working very hard and making incredible progress.
Another fine student |
I can't imagine what it must have been like for our Japanese student when he learned of the earthquake in his country this semester. He was the picture of great perseverance as he continued to work hard while knowing that his country was in a time of great distress. It was rewarding to see how the class came together with concern and support during the time of crisis in Japan.
Eating together
The light is not great in these photos, but you get to see the great time of friendship that we all enjoyed.
My guests brought flowers and other gifts
to grace the table |
I love the faces on these beautiful cats that were graciously given as a gift to the hostess. Thank you so much for the gifts that you brought!
Two darling cats |
- We gathered one last time as a class the day before the final. Everyone was nervous about taking the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) the next day. We all were also very sad as some of us tearfully said good-bye to each other. Those of us there, gathered for one last photo together. Sadly, one important class member was not there that day.
My students and I
Spring Semester 2011 |
I don't know that I will ever be able to properly express how much I have appreciated the students I worked with this past semester. They, all five of them, were some of the finest people I have ever met. Working with them helped me to heal from the greatest loss of my life. Two of the students were born the same year as my daughter. For some reason, I found this especially healing to see them progress in the life goals they have set for themselves.
Someone gave me this card a number of years ago. I have kept it on my desk all these years. Someone else gave me memento that says, "A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart." At the center of teaching is heart. As a teacher, I have learned it is the teacher's heart that is most moved, most touched, and most enlarged. I have always loved being a teacher. It is a profession that have given more than I have ever given it. This year teaching truly helped to heal my broken heart.
Some of our wonderful international students |
Students gather in the International Office
to celebrate graduation |
I've taught ESL (English as a Second Language) to high school students, middle school students, and elementary students. Each group brings its own special joys and challenges. Now, I am hooked on teaching college age international students. It is special to go to the office and see so many nationalities speaking so many languages everyday. The experience has broadened my heart, my world, and my circle of friends.